Lost Our Home Pet Foundation Needs Additional Support

With more and more foreclosures happening and the troubled economy, sadly many more people are leaving pets behind when they leave their homes. Volunteers with Phoenix Arizona non-profit, Lost Our Home Pet Foundation report there has been more than a 15% increase in pet rescues in the past few months due to foreclosures and the economy. The volunteers  have gone from  getting a few calls a week to now getting four or five calls a day about animals left behind in foreclosed homes.

The volunteer organization is now running out of space. Currently there are about 30 volunteer  members, all of them who are housing pets that need to be adopted, or taken over by foster families. They are all running out of room and need help in getting the rescued animals adopted.

To volunteer with the organization, adopt a dog or cat, or make a donation, visit their website or call 602-230-HELP (4357).

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